Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Next Big Race - Timberman 70.3

I just signed up for Timberman 70.3 Woo hoo!

Timberman is in August 2009 in New Hampshire. It will be my third IM 70.3 race. I love doing the 70.3 distance... it's a serious race with some serious training required, but still allows for a normal work schedule and a bit of a social life. Yes, sometimes it's challenging to fit in all the training, keep the house clean, mow the lawn, go to the hairdresser, run errands etc. But that is cancelled out by the long weekend rides in the country, being able to eat all the food I want (while still maintaining my girlish figure!) and spending time with my tri friends. I live for that stuff!

There is something inspiring about signing up for a race... there is now a goal, sitting out in front of you... encouraging you to work towards something.

And on that note, I'm heading out for a run ;o)

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